The Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute- The National Research Institute,  Plant Breeding Experimental Station

nazwa miejscowosci (21625) bytes.jpg

poletka upr.zboza (21457) bytes.jpg



poletka jęczmienia jarego (363698) bytes.jpg  

poletka jęczmienia jarego (271992) bytes.jpg


                                                                     The plots of spring barley;

                                       The plots of spring barley;    
  pszenica j.odm Jasna(11816) bytes.jpg jeczmien jary odm Rastik(27067) bytes.jpg pszenica oz. Kobra (11816) bytes.jpg  

Spring wheat, cv. Jasna

 Naked spring barley, cv. Rastik

Winter wheat, cv. Kobra


nasiona zyta oz. (27067) bytes.jpg

  nasiona pszenicy oz (20366) bytes.jpg  

         Winter rye

                                            Winter wheat, cv. Nawra  

nasiona trawy odm Stadion (27067) bytes.jpg

nasiona rzepaku oz.odm Kana (27067) bytes.jpg

nasiona koniczyny odm Radyka (27067) bytes.jpg


grass seeds

 Seeds of winter rape

      Seeds of red clover  

plantacja rzepaku,poletka pszenicy,grochu (282451)


Prepared to sowing plantation of rape, plot of ground of wheat, barley, different tillages as well as soil.




poletka pszenicy ozimej (1231138) bytes.jpg

poletka jęczmienia jarego (68793) bytes.jpg

                                    Winter wheat

                                                  The plots of spring barley

plantacja żyta (55089) foto09.jpg

plantacja pszenicy oz.odm Sakwa (51577) bytes.jpg

                                                                                                Winter rye                                                                           Winter wheat, cv. Sakwa

poletka żyta, jęczmienia i pszenicy (190071)

Poletka żyta oz. (259352) bytes.jpg

                                                                              Plots of  wheat (at the bootom), barley (in the middle) and rye (above)                                                                                           Winter rye
poletka jęczmienia jarego (50851) bytes.jpg

zyto ozime (89569) foto09.jpg

                                                                                                         Spring barley                                                              Winter Rye

poletka pszenicy ozimej (712970)


The plots of winter wheat


poletka pszenicy ozimej(536090)


The plots of winter wheat


poletka żyta ozimego (627916)


Prepared to sowing plots of ground of winter rye as well as different cereals and soil.