The Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - The National Research Institute, Plant Breeding Experimental Station
Radzików - view from south (2008) |
Radzików. The buildings of the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute |
The Utrata river |
View up: BŁONIE - Archeologic place since Middle Ages - RADZIKÓW |
The plots of rape, wheat, barley and different pulses. |
Marked plants, plots of wheat nad pea |
The gate of Station in Radzików |
Grain stores and offices |
The gate of station |
Buildings of experimental station |
Stores and cereal cleaning |
room |
The central heating device ecofuel in Radzików |
Szklarnie przeznaczone do prac hodowlano - badawczych zbóż zimą. |
Szklarniowa hodowla zbóż w okresie zimowym |
Spring barley plots |
Wheat, winter rye and spring barley plots (in total 9499 plots were cultivated in 2019) |
Spring barley plots |
Winter rye plots | Winter wheat plots | The harvest of grain corn |
The culture house in Radzików | The hotel in Radzików. You are welcome |
KUBUSIA PUCHATKA kindergarden |
in Radzików (build in 1964) |
The buiding |
no 8 (build in 1988) |
Building no 9 | Building no 9A (built in 2009) |
Houses no 50 |
Radzików |
Building no 51 |
Building no 7 |
Houses no 44 and 45 (built in 1949; |
photographed in winter season 2008) |
Houses no 35 and 36, build in |
Radzików (built in 1950) |
Houses no 30 and 27, build in |
Radzików (built in 1950-1961) |
The bird view of Radzików |
The bird view |
Buildings |
no 3 |
Buildings |
no 5 |
Buildings no |
4 (built 1967) |
Buildings no |
6 (built 1968) |
Buildings no 11 (build in 1991) |
Buildings no 10 (build in 1990) |
Building no 1 |
(built in 1962) |
Building no 12 | Building no 2 (build in 1961) |
The sport device in Radzików |
The public book house in Radzików |
The bird view |
of Radzików |
The street that divides Radzików into two parts |
Radzików, full of green grasses and trees |
General view of Warsaw city, photography taken in Radzików (distance between Radzikow and Warsaw is about 27 km). |
General view of Błonie as seen from Radzików (from distance 4 km). |
Archeologic place called "Łysa Góra", since Middle Ages, near of Utrata river, (photo were taken from the level of 48 metres above river from distance 1 km ) |
Błonie - Marketplace - Town hall (build in 1843) |
Radzików near Warsaw (photo in 2009) |